About me

She was founder and teacher at the engraving workshop “El Taller” between 1980 and 1987 and also professor in the engraving specialty at Bellas Artes National School of Lima from 1981 to 1984.

She has opened thirty-eight individual exhibitions to the present in Lima, Arequipa, Cusco (Peru), Venezuela, Brazil, Chile, Canada, Spain and Egypt.

She obtained the following distinctions:


  • Mention in the Annual exhibition of Brazilian artists, Rio de Janeiro –Brazil (1976)
  • Mention in the Annual Exhibition of Engraving Artists, Escuela de Artes Visuales, Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro – Brazil (1977)
  • Honorable Mention in the XVI National Engraving Salon at ICPNA, Lima-Peru (1980)
  • And third Prize Contest, Municipalidad de Lima, 1981.

1994 – 1996
The Sculpture Center, New York – EE.UU.

1979 – 1980
Engraving Workshop of Ruth Leaf, New York – EE.UU.

1975 – 1977
Visual Arts. School, Río de Janeiro – Brazil

Engraving Workshop “El Taller”, Lima – Perú

Professor in engraving specialty at Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes, Lima – Perú

El taller Gallery, Lima – Perú
Inkoart, Caracas -Venezuela
Fullart Perú, Lima – Perú

Museo de arte latinoamericano de escultura, Seúl Corea del Sur
Deutsche Bank
JP Morgan Bank / Chase Manhatan Bank
Corp Bank, Venezuela
Museo de Bellas Artes de Venezuela
Museo de Maracay, Venezuela
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Venezuela
Colección Sweet / Low, EE. UU.
Grant, Hermmann Schwartz & Klinger, EE. UU.
Banco de Crédito del Perú
Colecciones privadas en Venezuela, España, Estados Unidos, Brasil, Perú, Egipto.